Back of the Yearbook

Back of the Yearbook
Down With Monday (Whakatū Nelson)

High school drama galore. Every school has clubs. Every club has drama. The audience picks the club and the cast comes up with the drama.

Will the rich girl end up with school brainiac or the skater-goth who sulks in the corner. No one knows because we are all improvising the hell out of high school in Back of the Yearbook.

This crew has been doing improv with each other for over a decade. They have been entertaining Nelson in various troupes (Deep End/Off the Cuff/Aiming to Misbehave etc.).

World Premiere!

Warnings Audience Interaction

Fri 22 March at 7:30pm
Sat 23 March at 7:30pm
Venue: Red Door Theatre
Rating: PG

$16 +booking fee

Book Tickets

Keywords: Improv, Theatre


Red Door Theatre

95 Atawhai Drive, The Wood
Nelson, New Zealand