Songs and Chats

Songs and Chats
Soulquest Limited / Anna Nicholas (Whakatū Nelson)

**Sorry folks, this show has been cancelled.**

Immerse yourself in a delightful blend of harmonious melodies, captivating conversations, and side-splitting humour.

This unique theatrical experience seamlessly merges the enchanting power of music with the charm of witty dialogue. Prepare to be swept off your feet by soul-stirring tunes, engage in thought-provoking conversations that traverse a myriad of topics, and succumb to the giggles. This is not just a show but an unforgettable experience that will leave you humming the tunes, pondering the chats, and chuckling over the jokes long after the curtain falls. Come, be part of this captivating spectacle where music, conversation, and laughter interweave to create an evening of pure entertainment.

Anna has starred in numerous world premiere plays to rave reviews and received accolades throughout her career. You may have seen her perform at the professional Fortune Theatre in Dunedin a couple of moons ago – starring in hit productions such as Roald Dahl’s The Twits, The Witches, Homeland and My Heart is Bathed in Blood. Or maybe you were watching some of her work in award-winning independent film and stage in Melbourne Australia.

She’s back on stage in Whakatū and you won’t want to miss her world premiere performance!

One Night Only!
World Premiere!

General admission
Duration: 50mins
Warnings: audience interaction

Tues 11 March at 6:00pm

Venue: Refinery ArtSpace
Rating: 14+

$18 + 50c booking fee


Refinery ArtSpace

114 Hardy Street
Nelson, 7010 New Zealand