The Unluckiest Magician

The Unluckiest Magician
Steve Wilbury (Whakatū Nelson)

Eight accidents, 14 screws, 4 plates and 1 reconstructed digestive system: meet the world’s unluckiest magician. Through a seamless blend of comedy and mesmerizing magic tricks, this one-of-a-kind production takes viewers on a journey of resilience, hope, and self-discovery.

As Steve Wilbury navigates the ups and downs of his life, the audience witnesses how he uses humour and magic as tools for coping with adversity. Each surgical scar becomes a symbol of strength, and every setback becomes an opportunity for transformation. Steve’s witty banter and awe-inspiring illusions not only entertain but also inspire, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, we can find the magic in life’s challenges.

The Unluckiest Magician is a celebration of the human spirit’s ability to triumph over adversity, showing that our most difficult circumstances can empower us to see life as it truly is – a magical journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. This show is a testament to the power of laughter, hope, and the belief that, no matter how unlucky we may feel, we have the capacity to turn our setbacks into spectacular comebacks.

Steve has been an entertainer for over twenty years with performances all over the world and some pretty fancy awards to boot.

One Night Only!

Warnings Language

Check out Steve on his website, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube

Sat 23 March at 6:00pm

Venue: Red Door Theatre
Rating: PG

$16 +booking fee

Book Tickets


Red Door Theatre

95 Atawhai Drive, The Wood
Nelson, New Zealand